Tuesday, November 25, 2014

First Annual Abrahamsen Princess Ball

This morning after I had gotten back from my run my two little princesses were playing dress up. Bella had donned her ol' faithful Aurora dress, and Vivienne had asked to wear her "costume" (a princess Belle dress she wore this Halloween) and they wanted to dance "like at a ball". This whole thing sort of snowballed out of control at that point. The first thing that happened was I created a dance floor in our (mostly) unused formal dining room by moving the table and chairs. Then the girls needed "princess dance music". Did y'all know iTunes Radio has a Disney Princess station? Well now you do. Once they were all set up and dancing in their ball room I just had to participate. Long story short, my husband came home to find me in an old bridesmaid's dress, twirling with my girls. I can't believe I never thought to do this before.