I could start a whole new blog just for this topic. Kristen and I have been friends since Freshman year of high school, and this chick is bonkers. She is absolutely hilarious, incredibly intelligent and her humor is pretty much exactly like mine.
Kristen and I discuss the follies of the English language.
Kristen and I plan a slumber party and discuss rain hyperboles.
Kristen's son is FANTASTIC!
Kristen interrupts her own text to alert me to the fact that she has just seen my nightmare scuttle across her garage floor.
Kristen makes me an awesome drawing.
I got some texts from Evangeline too!
Kristen was there for me when I was venting about my barfy baby
Drunk Liz loves everyone twice as much as sober Liz does.
File this one under texts *TO* Kristen. I am amused with my own cleverness. Why do I continue to shop at this retail garage sale?
Traveling with Kristen is always an adventure!
We literally texted each other the same thing at the same time. Never regret tacos.
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